31. I wonder where are all the files belong to a package, say apache? | 1)Find the package name: rpm -qa| grep apache 2)Show the files: rpm -ql <name of the package> (do a " |grep conf" to get the configuration file)
32. I interest in sound/music, how to find any thing about it? | apropos sound | more ;(build the database with /usr/sbin/makewhatis for the first time)
33. A good sound editor for analysing and recording the audio | audacity
34. Where can I find a MP3 player? | amarok, mplayer, vlc, smplayer, rhythmbox, xmms (get it from the internet)
35. Howto rip and encode CD audio to mp3 (or ogg format; needs grip*.rpm)? | grip (needs the lame package) OR ffmpeg -i file.wav -ar 44100 -ab 128 outfile.mp3 ; (using mpg123 to convert the mp3 format to wav (mpg123 --wav file.wav file.mp3)
36. How to convert a wma format to mp3? (needs mplayer and lame) | mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm <wma file> && lame -m j -h --vbr-new -b 160 audiodump.wav -o output.mp3
37. Howto grab the audio from a wmv/flv video file and convert it to mp3? | ffmpeg -acodec mp3 -ab 128 -ar 44100 -i /mnt/cdrom/XX.wmv XX.mp3 OR ffmpeg -i YY.flv -vn -acodec copy YY.mp3
38. Howto convert a flv video to mpg (and the other way around)? (audio bitrate=56kbit/s; audio samplerate=22050Hz; bitrate=500kb/s) | ffmpeg -i XXX.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320×240 XXX.mpg OR ffmpeg -i ZZ.mpg -ar 22050 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 32k -r 25 -s 320x240 -vcodec flv ZZ.flv
39. Howto convert flac to mp3? | flac -d *.flac and then lame *.wav
40. Is there a chat client a la messenger | gaim (V0.74) supports protocol AIM/ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, IRC, Jabber (support Groupchat), Napster; micq; Using Gnomemeeting for video conference
41. How to write a message (chat) to my collegue at the other building? | talk, write (using "w" to getting the tty)
42. How to chat by using netcat? | nc -vl 8999 ; and the the other user type "nc <your hostname> 8999"
43. Howto get a DVD/VCD player? | mplayer (mplayer dvd://1 -chapter 4 -ss 22 -flip ; OR from a local harddisk, mplayer dvd:// -dvd-device /home/<my-home-dir> -chapter 12 ; works great, supports many formats; read the FAQ and the divx4 section)
44. What is my kernel version? | uname -r OR procinfo (procinfo is from procinfo*.rpm)
45. What is my Redhat version? | cat /etc/redhat-release
46. Howto list hidden files? | ls -a (all hidden files start with a dot in Linux)
47. How to get a file's property? | stat <file> (stat*.rpm)
48. Why can I not delete my file? (maybe because of the "not-delete" attribute setting in your file by the command chattr) | chattr -i -V <your file>
49. The PC boots so fast, I could not catch all messages. | dmesg OR redhat-logviewer OR more /var/log/messages
50. How to colorize my log file? (needs logcoloriser-XXX.rpm) | logcolorise.pl /var/log/messages|more OR loco /var/log/messages
51. How can I get a console windows? | xconsole (test it with: "echo ocean >/dev/console")
52. Howto change foreground/background colour/color of my console? | setterm -term linux -foreground blue; setterm -term linux -background magenta
53. Where do the Linux peoples hide all the log files? | system-logviewer OR cd /var/log (web-, ftp-, samba-, mail-, ssh-log etc)
54. What are running right now? | ps -ax
55. What is my process status? | procinfo (procinfo is from procinfo*.rpm)
56. Howto pause a process? | kill -STOP ; kill -CONT
57. Which interrupts, I/O ports are unoccupied? | lsdev OR procinfo OR cat /proc/interrupts (lsdev is from procinfo*.rpm)
58. Which hardware devices does the OS (Operative system) recognize? | dmidecode; more /etc/sysconfig/hwconf ; lspci ; lspnp ; lsusb
59. How does the OS installs a new hardware device? | kudzu (kudzu runs at startup) , it saves infos in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf
60. I want to change my keyboard layout. | system-config-keyboard (X Window)
61. Howto install/change a mouse? | system-config-mouse
62. What is my PC hardware specifications? | cat /proc/cpuinfo AND hwbrowser
63. Howmany RAM/memory do I have? | free -k ; more /proc/meminfo
64. Howto find which architecture my kernel configuration is using? (use it when you want to find the right kernel config file) | rpm -q --qf '%{ARCH}\n' `rpm -qa|grep kernel-2`
65. What is the time for last boot ?(howlong I had been working?) | uptime
66. A quick way to check the connection between the PC and the modem (look at the TxD/RxD leds) | cat /bin/sync > /dev/modem
67. What is my enviroment? | env ; set
68. What shell do I use? | set | grep SHELL
69. Howto see all my last commands? (like F7 in DOS) | history or the up/down keys
70. Howto clear the history? | history -c
71. How to find the most used commands? | history|awk '{print $2}'|sort|uniq -c|sort
72. Does Linux have a calendar? | cal 9999 OR gcal -K 1-3 2004 ; try: cal 9 1752 (what is wrong?)
73. Howto find which week we are in? | date +%W OR gcal -K
74. Howmuch diskspace (in Kbytes) do I have? | df -k
75. Howmuch diskspace does the directory /home occupy? (rounded up to the number of blocks) | du -ks /home OR du -chx --max-depth=1 /home
76. Howmany files am I allowed to write on a partition? | df -i (one file/directory uses one inode)
77. How to change the user right/permission on a file/directory? | man chmod; man chown; man chgrp
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